Maintenance of anesthesia ventilator machine maintenance repair defibrillator monitor fetal monitor
Maintenance of anesthesia ventilator machine maintenance repair defibrillator monitor fetal monitor repair service
Maintenance of telephone 13391816794 QQ283536127
Can replace a ventilator , control or change people's normal physiological breathing , increased pulmonary ventilation, improve respiratory function, reduce work of breathing consumption, saving devices cardiac reserve capacity .
Anesthesia machine by mechanical anesthetic into the patient circuit alveolar anesthetic gas pressure is formed , diffuse into the blood , the occurrence of a direct inhibitory effect on the central nervous system , resulting in the effect of anesthesia . Anesthesia machine is semi-open anesthesia devices. It mainly consists of chemical tanks , ether adjustment switch , folding bellows and suck the breath -way valve and bellows .
Monitor a patient to measure physiological parameters and control , and with a known set value , an alarm can be exceeded if a device or system .
Fetal Monitor : Doppler echocardiography according to the principles and the fetus current changes in fetal heart rate and uterine contractions logger recorder as the main structure, activity diagram depicting fetal type analyzer. There intrauterine monitoring ( the guardianship ) and abdominal monitoring ( external monitoring ) two. When monitoring maternal supine abdominal probe into the maternal abdominal wall depicted ( Figure 1 ) , this method is simple and safe to use wider . Need to monitor intrauterine catheter or electrode plates through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity , it must have been opened or rupture in the case of the cervix performed ( Figure 2 ) , the catheter can only be used once, the higher the cost , the operation is more complex and may cause infection, but intrauterine monitoring by outside interference than the abdominal wall to monitor and therefore less false positives. Fetal often in high-risk pregnancy prenatal or production application , you can continuously monitor changes in fetal heart rate and its relationship with uterine contractions , fetal understand the situation , early detection of fetal distress .
Cardiac electrical direct current cardioversion is quickly able to treat ectopic arrhythmia , making an effective method of cardioversion to sinus rhythm . Of synchronous and asynchronous electrical cardioversion in two ways: synchronized cardioversion is the defibrillator by the electrical excitation of the R-wave discharges , non- synchronized electrical cardioversion is the defibrillator cardiac cycle at any time can be discharged. Clinical application of a defibrillator device 1.1 machine , also known as electrical cardioversion defibrillator, is the implementation of the main electrical cardioversion surgery equipment . With electrode plates , most of them have two pairs of size , the big Suitable for adults and small children apply , use a defibrillator before checking the features are intact , whether the power failure, the adequacy of the charge , the presence or absence of various wire breakage and poor contact , defibrillators as rescue equipment , should always maintain good performance, battery charging enough in order to implement in an emergency at any time of emergency defibrillation . 1.2 When the electrodes in vitro electrical cardioversion electrode plates sited in two ways. AP called that an electrode plate on the back of the subscapularis area ; another one on the left sternal 3-4 intercostal level. This method was considered more current through the heart , so that the desired low energy consumption , potential complications can be reduced. Selective electrical cardioversion technique should be used in this way . The other is an electrode plate on the right edge of the sternum 2-3 intercostal ( bottom center ) . Another piece placed in the fifth intercostal Zuoye front ( apex ) . This rapid convenient way for emergency defibrillation . The distance between the two electrode plates should <l0cm. Electrode plates should be close to the patient's skin and slightly pressurized , can not leave gaps , edges can not tilt. The skin should be placed electrodes coated with conductive paste can also be used saline gauze , emergency even available water , but absolutely prohibited alcohol , or can cause skin burns . Thin and intercostal significant depression caused by poor electrode contact with the skin is appropriate saline gauze , and multi- layers , can improve skin contact with the electrode. Between the two electrode plates to keep the dried conductive paste is connected to avoid shorting or saline . Electrode plates should also be kept dry grip . Can not be conductive paste or saline contamination , in order to avoid injury to the user . When cardiac surgery or open heart massage and the need for direct cardiac defibrillation , required proprietary small electrode plate , a piece placed in the right ventricular surface ; another placed apical heart surface sprinkled with saline electrode plates close to the heart wall . 1.3 Selection of power consumption can be as electrical cardioversion J said . By charging requirements , ventricular fibrillation was 250J ~ 300J, non-synchronous cardioversion. Ventricular tachycardia is 150J ~ 200J, atrial fibrillation is 150J ~ 200J, atrial flutter is 80J ~ 100J, supraventricular tachycardia 100J, are synchronized cardioversion. 1.4 adaptation levy ( 1 ) ventricular fibrillation is an electrical cardioversion absolutely testify . ( 2 ) chronic atrial fibrillation (AF history in less than 1 year to 2 years ) , sustained atrial flutter . ( 3 ) paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, conventional therapy and associated with significant hemodynamic disorder or WPW syndrome complicated by supraventricular tachycardia and drug difficulties . ( 4 ) showed a 1:1 conduction of atrial flutter . 1.5 Contraindications ( 1 ) slow arrhythmias, including sick sinus syndrome. ( 2 ) Digitalis overdose arrhythmias ( ventricular fibrillation in addition to outside ) . ( 3 ) with a high degree or complete block of atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter , atrial tachycardia . ( 4 ) severe hypokalemia temporarily unsuitable for electrical cardioversion . ( 5 ) a huge left atrial fibrillation lasting more than a year , long-term ventricular rate unhappy person . 2 Care 2.1 continue to observe the heart rate, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure , facial , body , and whether or embolism performance , ready to make a record. After returning to the ward in stable condition . Preoperative anticoagulation therapy . Still after administration, and make anticoagulant care. 2.2 bed rest 1 day to 2 days, giving high-calorie, high in vitamins, digestible diet, keep the stool. 2.3 cardioversion of atrial fibrillation to continue taking drugs to maintain and observe the efficacy and adverse reactions. 2.4 health guidance , explain to the patient predisposing factors , such as excessive fatigue , agitation , etc., to prevent recurrence.